How Frequently Should You Upload New Videos on YouTube

Does uploading more videos, more frequently help you lot grow your YouTube aqueduct faster?

Or will YouTube end promoting your previous video the moment you upload something new?

This article explores how many videos you lot should upload, how frequently, and how to fit everything into your busy schedule.

So if you want to acquire how to speed upwards the growth of your YouTube channel by uploading more, this commodity is for you.

How Does the YouTube Algorithm Work?

What happens when you upload a new video to YouTube? Does YouTube finish promoting your previous videos?

Do you demand to give your videos animate room to get maximum views?

YouTube's algorithm will not stop promoting your existing videos when you upload a new video.


Depending on how well your most recent videos performed, your adjacent video volition feel either a positive initial heave or a negative penalty.

It all comes down to understanding how to press the right buttons of the YouTube algorithm.

If you lot were holding dorsum uploads because you lot were worried about subscriber burnout or wanted to give videos a lot more breathing room before putting something else out…

I can tell you… that is non how it works!

YouTube's main objective is to keep viewers on their platform equally long as possible.

That ways YouTube heavily prioritizes two ranking factors above all else.

What are the interests and preferences of individual viewers?

Of all the videos that lucifer viewers' preferences, which have the best track record regarding watch time and engagement?

Who watches your YouTube videos

The bulk of watch time for almost YouTube creators comes from non-subscribers.

Look at your analytics in YouTube Studio by opening the Audience tab.

And so whorl down to "Picket fourth dimension from subscribers" and compare the 2 numbers.

Well-nigh channels get less than 50% of their views from your actual subscribers.

I bet you didn't fifty-fifty know that.

That is why then many large YouTuber creators say that the subscriber count no longer matters.

If someone subscribes to a YouTube channel but then doesn't watch any of their videos, YouTube will stop recommending this channel's videos to them. (On a side annotation, hither'due south how to run into if someone has subscribed to your YouTube channel.)

Yous tin can verify this by looking at your ain YouTube homepage.

Most of your video recommendations are based on your recent picket history and viewing habits, not on which channels y'all are subscribed to.

YouTube always tries to find the best videos for each viewer past predicting what they are most likely interested in watching next.

YouTube does this based on someone'due south previous watch history, previous search history, how long they watched those videos, and how often they clicked on content from specific creators?

And also, what are the viewing habits of a lookalike audience based on people like to them who are subscribed to the same type of channels and lookout the same kind of videos.

Metrics that the YouTube algorithm considers

  • Click-through charge per unit (CTR)
    • That is the number of people who click on your YouTube video thumbnail divided by the number of times that YouTube has displayed your thumbnail in search results and related videos.
  • Watch time
    • The average percentage of minutes that people spotter your videos. For example, if you take a 10-minute video and people only watch 3 minutes of it, and then your video watch time is xxx%.
  • Alignment between video topic and viewer interests
    • YouTube uses advanced automobile learning algorithms to empathise the content of each video. It too uses the aforementioned techniques to understand and categorize topics each viewer is interested in. YouTube then combines both data sets to bring together videos and people interested in a specific topic.
  • Recency of upload
    • To prevent an infinite loop in which only the near popular videos are recommended to viewers, YouTube introduced freshness every bit an of import ranking gene, thus giving new videos the chance to outperform older videos.

Other ranking factors that you lot tin can consider optimizing for your Wow-Factor videos

  • Metadata / SEO
    • Videos with complete metadata, including championship, video description, tags, subtitles, etc., have a better chance of being recommended for two reasons. They are considered higher production quality because most creators don't carp updating anything beyond the video title and are an indicator of quality. They too let YouTube to confirm if their understanding of a video matches the creator's metadata. Delight annotation that YouTube will ignore the creator's data if it does not lucifer, at least in function, with YouTube's AI algorithm assessment.
  • Title
    • Optimizing your video title in combination with your thumbnail has a huge impact on your video clickthrough rate. The college your click-through rate, the more YouTube will evidence it to more creators. If the video has a high percent of watch time, the video will be permanently boosted on YouTube.
  • Description
    • Your video clarification allows you to include a written summary of your video content. YouTube uses Google'south systems to classify text and extract topics from information technology. These insights are compared with insights from automatic video transcription. If both match, then YouTube will recommend your video with more conviction to people who share the same interests.
  • Subtitles
    • YouTube automatically transcribes every video and creates subtitles from it. Accessibility is only a secondary benefit of this. The main reason why YouTube is transcribing videos with vocalisation recognition software is to create machine-readable content that can be candy by its AI to classify a video and to extrapolate video topics from each video to then match it with matching audiences who share the aforementioned interests.
  • Visual video content
    • YouTube's AI is quite capable of agreement any written text in images, as well as a wide variety of objects via its AI. This information is used to further classify the topics and themes of each video.
  • Tags
    • Video tags allow you to employ phrases that people might type into the YouTube search engine. I use the TubeBuddy Keyword Explorer to identify phrases that take a high search volume simply few matching videos. This mode, it is possible to optimize videos for YouTube SEO and get early traffic fifty-fifty if your channel has very little or even no traffic at all.
  • Production Quality
    • Did you know that YouTube measures the product quality of each of your videos? Crazy, right? They look at a variety of unlike factors that its AI has previously identified, for example, if someone spent the time to add complete metadata to a video, uploaded their own subtitles, added a unique thumbnail, used background music, use overlays, transitions, good video quality, lighting, and audio quality, etc. Videos of higher quality rank meliorate because YouTube knows from experience that these videos are on average watched more and keep viewers on their platform longer.
  • Thumbnail
    • A custom thumbnail is a must if you lot want to reach a loftier click-through rate for your YouTube videos. Y'all can check out my article on how to observe the best video thumbnail ideas in this article.
  • Video quality
    • The quality of your video has very little to do with your camera and lens. Lighting is much more than important. Before yous invest in a new camera, consider buying a professional LED low-cal source for your dwelling studio.
  • B-Roll
    • Calculation b-roll footage to your videos, whether you recorded information technology yourself or bought information technology from a subscription service such as Artgrid, makes most every video 10 times more interesting. The reason this works is that the human being eye and encephalon quickly get tired of looking at the same person talking for a long fourth dimension. By overlaying video clips that match specific keywords you are talking about, you assist viewers visualize and stay more than engaged throughout the video.
  • Music
    • Calculation music to your video tin instantly change your mood and amplify everything you evidence on screens. I recommend checking out my article about royalty-free music for some guidance on selecting an affordable subscription service for your YouTube aqueduct that does not break the bank.
  • Transitions
    • Adding blithe transitions with section championship overlays to your YouTube videos makes your videos easier to assimilate. It likewise has the added benefit of enabling the YouTube car chapter system to add together chapters to your videos without the need to timestamp them in your video clarification.
  • Engagement
    • Far less important than in the past are engagement metrics such as views, likes, comments, and shares. From my experience, the number of comments in combination with your comment quality (length + uniqueness) plays past far the biggest ranking factor overall.
  • Early on traffic
    • If you can drive early traffic to your YouTube video, you tin kickstart the YouTube algorithm so that it starts to recommend your video to a wider organic audience from the outset. I recommend promoting new videos on your email list and on social media the moment a new video goes live.

YouTube notifications

People who have turned on notifications will receive an alert every fourth dimension yous upload a video.

Notifications are very important and are often responsible for most views within the first hour of uploading a video.

I recommend adjusting your telephone call-to-action at the end of your video by request your viewers to subscribe and plow on notifications.

You can as well create your ain notifications by promoting new uploads to your email list and social networks to boost your initial engagement.

You can acquire more about why notifications are so important in this commodity, in which I pause down the YouTube algorithm in detail.

How Uploading More than Frequently Helps Y'all Grow Your Channel

Take reward of YouTube's freshness bonus

When someone watches a high percentage of one of your videos, YouTube will instantly recommend some of your other videos in their newsfeed.

This is usually a mix of some of your most popular, related videos with a proven watch time runway record and some of your most recent videos.

New videos always receive a freshness algorithm heave from the YouTube algorithm and oft by viewers, who are oftentimes interested in contempo news and events.

Past uploading more than frequently, yous essentially double the number of recommended videos a new viewer will see in their newsfeed.

Each fresh video view creates a new opportunity loop that yous can hijack with a regular upload schedule.

Go a more charismatic YouTuber.

In that location are very few people who are naturally charismatic.

Most people take to practise, practice, exercise to feel more comfortable in forepart of the lens.

The more videos you record, the easier information technology will be.


If you lot take a break in between, the confidence boost event will slowly fade away.

That is why information technology is and then important to tape regularly so that you lot never miss your spark.

Maximize your potential to go viral

Simply by uploading more than videos nigh more topics, y'all increase the likelihood that you hit the smash on the head sooner than later.

Enjoy the benefits of having a clear YouTube Content Cluster

By uploading more videos on related topics, YouTube will better understand which content cluster your YouTube channel is targeting.

The more confident YouTube is about your item niche, the more likely they are to recommend your videos to viewers in your niche.

The Risks of Uploading Too Many Videos to Your YouTube Aqueduct

What is more important for YouTube growth?

Video quality?

Video quantity?

Every bit discussed earlier, in that location are many advantages of uploading videos more than frequently.


If you lot upload many poor quality videos, you can harm your channel growth.

If your video watch fourth dimension is consistently low, YouTube volition cease recommending your videos and give time to come videos an initial penalization on your adjacent upload.


Because YouTube is less confident virtually the quality of your videos, they will show new videos to fewer people at a slower step to test how they are doing.

And only then, when YouTube feels confident again that your video is valuable, will it speed upward organic discoverability to new viewers.

That is why it is super important to always keep a minimum level of quality at all times to not jeopardize your growth.

If you cannot maintain that minimum quality level with every video, it is improve to decrease your upload frequency until all your videos are of reasonable quality.

How Many Videos Are Plenty?

Is uploading daily on YouTube proficient?

How many videos do you have to upload to YouTube to be successful?

In that location is no blanket answer to this.

Every genre and culture on YouTube is different.

If you are a daily news evidence, obviously, y'all must upload every day.

If you are the person with the latest news, y'all must upload whenever there is a new story. Peradventure even multiple times a mean solar day.

And judge what, it does not hurt these channels at all.

Only only considering people are interested in these types of videos.

Look at what is normal for the type of channel you want to build.

This will often dictate a certain range of acceptable upload schedules.

Best Upload Schedule for Views, Subscribers, and Watch Time

What time is the best time to upload a YouTube video? Should I postal service two videos a 24-hour interval on YouTube? Does scheduling a YouTube video affect my video views?

Uploading YouTube videos consistently actually helps you get more YouTube subscribers fast.

But how oftentimes should you upload a new video for the best results?

One time a calendar month? Perhaps... Only merely if each of your videos is a true masterpiece of the highest possible production quality standard that requires weeks of research, filming, and editing to consummate.

If you want to get results faster, yous need a much shorter upload cycle.

If you are simply starting out, you can start by uploading a new video every other calendar week and and so slowly, as your filming and editing skills ameliorate, yous can shorten your schedule.

I recommend filming at to the lowest degree one video every week for most creators.

This is totally doable, even if you are just a part-time YouTuber with a total-fourth dimension job.

Ideally, y'all as well want to pick a specific weekday, for case, every Wednesday, so people tin can get excited in anticipation of seeing your new video.

Viewing habits play an of import office in the number of views you get within the outset 24 hours later publishing a new video.

If you are serious well-nigh your YouTube journeying, meaning that y'all desire to plow your YouTube career into a sustainable business that will eventually permit you to become a total-time YouTuber, you should aim for an even more than ambitious upload cycle of ii-iii videos or more each week.

This requires systems and processes to organize your time and a lot of effort and discipline.

Depending on your upkeep, you may have to retrieve about hiring a squad to help you with your production schedule.

Most video creators will run into huge benefits, including more than time and less stress, from hiring a video editor.

Make sure yous decide on a schedule that fits your goals and stick with it.

For the rest of this article, I am going to presume that y'all are aiming for an ambitious upload schedule of ii-3 videos every calendar week.

And so let me show you how to put this into practice.

How to Grow Your YouTube Channel Faster by Uploading More than Videos?

Optimize your inquiry workflow

I recommend spending a good amount of time developing your Content Cluster strategy so that y'all are always 100% clear about whether a video thought would fit into your big picture content strategy.

Yous tin can cheque out this article to learn how to develop a content cluster strategy completely from scratch.

Employ keyword tools to evaluate video ideas

I recommend shortening your research time on specific video ideas but testing each thought with TubeBuddy'southward Keyword Explorer tool.

It will quickly tell you lot how many people are searching for the topic of your video.

And how many competing videos encompass the same topic.

This way, you can swiftly identify loftier-search-volume, low-competition keywords that are easier to rank for.

But don't spend too much time finding search phrases with a perfect score.

Whatever "green" rating is good enough.

What blazon of videos should you create if you desire to upload more ofttimes

While nigh creators naturally tend to focus on uploading pretty and polished videos, if you want to implement a tighter upload schedule, you have to rethink your strategy.

I recommend creating a mix of polished Cha Bu Duo videos for the bulk of your content and the occasional Picture Perfect masterpiece in one case every ane to two weeks for best results.

Learn how to make Cha Bu Duo videos

Cha Bu Duo (差不多) is a Chinese expression that loosely translates to "shut enough".

The idea is to create something that gets the task washed, nothing more, goose egg less, and especially no golden plating on top.

These Cha Bu Duo videos are hyper-focused and only optimize for ii-3 essential YouTube ranking factors that are most critical for success.

This process starts when you research new video ideas. There is no need to spend x minutes optimizing the perfect video title with the highest search volume and the everyman competition.

Starting time by visiting the YouTube homepage and start typing phrases into the search field slowly, word by word, until YouTube shows you autocomplete suggestions. These are pop YouTube search phrases.

Have any complete phrase and re-create it over into the TubeBuddy keyword explorer tool. Annihilation yellow and above is good enough.

Then switch to your next video idea.

Don't overthink the scripting procedure.

Never write a discussion-by-word script. Instead, create a bullet point list and outline two-3 core ideas that yous want to cover in your video.

You can use the free version of ClickUp and Workflowy to organize your ideas. Both have mobile apps for your phone that permit you to remind yourself of all the videos that you want to film when you are on the go.

When you movie your videos, keep everything simple. Bring the gear that is quickest to set up.

Y'all can film indoors or outdoors, depending on the weather. Keep it as unproblematic as possible. Yous don't need a home studio. Your couch or kitchen tabular array is practiced enough.

Let me introduce you to a different Chinese concept from the 30-Half dozen Stratagems that can be loosely translated to: seize the opportunity, or if you go for a walk and notice a $100 bill lying on the ground, selection information technology up! (順手牽羊).

The thought is that something does non require a lot of extra endeavour to receive a benefit.

For example, if you accept to bulldoze to piece of work every day, why non record a YouTube video during your journey? This just requires minimal extra effort, with the potential of big results.

If you practise daily walks anyhow, why non practise a walk and vlog? (If you demand help with coming upwards with vlogging ideas, check out my commodity: Best Q&A Questions & Content Ideas for Vlogging.)

If yous rent an role at a co-working space, why not record your videos in that location after work?

This way, yous are more likely to get all videos recorded instead of overthinking how and where to film them.

When yous edit your videos, use a tool such as Timebolt to create a rough cut and avoid any blazon of special effects, b-roll, transitions, audio effects, etc.

Think that yous are not striving for perfection!

Pretty good is good plenty.

Wow-Factor videos

Then, occasionally, yous want to create a flick-perfect masterpiece video to blow your audience abroad.

Here you optimize every attribute of your YouTube video from A-Z. Each step is more than detailed, and you requite yourself enough time to do everything properly.

Yous spend more time researching each topic in the video.

Your video outline can be much more detailed.

Your video length can be longer.

Information technology is possible to have more time to film, including bringing out your best video gear and filming at the most interesting locations.

B-roll and video effects can be used to improve the quality of your videos.

Adding royalty-free music to your videos can make them more memorable.

These high-gloss videos often have bang-up potential to become evergreen.

They also aid yous become a better filmmaker by experimenting with new filming and editing techniques and will amend your YouTube videos in general.

Best content mix for maximum results with a fast upload schedule

Quality and quantity do non matter if there is no value for the viewer.

When you think near how much yous should upload on YouTube, consider if uploading more delivers more than value to people who need your content?

You have to be able to answer that question.

At present, if uploading more diminishes the value in some way, then it is not helpful.

If it enhances the value, and then information technology is.

So, make a decision and stick with it.

How long should my YouTube videos be?

The ideal video length for near of your Cha Bu Duo videos should be less than 10 minutes long. I recommend 3-7 minutes on average.

Alternatively, you can also consider replacing your Cha Bu Duo video strategy with a YouTube Shorts strategy, which limits the video length to sixty seconds.

Your Picture-Perfect videos can be more than 10 minutes if needed.

Should you use a script?

Whether that value is entertainment, didactics, or a chip of both.

The more you lot programme your videos, the more likely yous can create something that is concise to the indicate and delivers the value the viewers are looking for.

Writing a script will really assistance you lot execute your YouTube content strategy.

But if you lot desire to upload more and more ofttimes, yous cannot outline each of your videos word by word.

Instead, focus on writing bullet bespeak outlines for multiple videos in bulk.

What is the ideal number of retakes?

A tight production schedule also requires you to be less perfectionist when it comes to filming multiple retakes.

You just don't accept fourth dimension for it.

Although it will take a while to get everything washed in one take, nearly people should be able to record everything they need in 3-5 takes max.

What is the best gear to pic more videos?

What can I say?

Don't worry too much about gear, especially if you are a small YouTube creator.

It is important that your equipment is reliable and can be fix up apace.

The more fourth dimension you have to spend setting upwardly your shoot, the fewer videos yous will be able to squeeze into your busy schedule.

Showtime with an instant value proposition

Don't waste the first precious seconds of your videos for intro music and channel logo animations.

Instead, instantly summarize the content of your video and why someone should picket it at the beginning.

This volition dramatically increase your video lookout man time and allow you to send the correct signals to the YouTube algorithm, and then uploading videos more than frequently will piece of work for your channel.

Create a strong emotional touch on

Here is the secret to making uploading more than videos work.

You tin can simplify and shorten your inquiry time, write shorter outlines, and be less perfectionist.

But what yous cannot be is boring!

That is why you accept to hype yourself up before you turn on the photographic camera.

This way, you will sound more than energetic and passionate about whatever topic you lot are going to talk about.

Every time you motion-picture show, I want you to retrieve about capturing emotions.

People will not remember what you said or what you did.

But people will ever remember how you made them feel.

Think about the emotion that you want to evoke from someone who is watching your video.

Focus on your vocal delivery

When someone is really engaged with your video, they will watch a college percentage of your video and are more likely to subscribe to your channel.

That is why I desire to focus on improving your on-camera performance.

Especially your vocal commitment.

Developing a charismatic voice is much more than important than having a improve camera.

Film multiple videos in bulk

Finally, make sure to picture your videos in bulk.

When doing something multiple times in a row, you save a lot of fourth dimension.

And you become meliorate and faster with each additional job.

This is called economies-of-calibration if y'all want to geek out a bit.

Streamline your editing process

If you exercise a lot of pauses in your video, sign upwardly for TimeBolt. It allows y'all to remove all the gaps in your video in seconds.

If you have a lot of filler words, consider signing upwardly for Descript.

It has a born filler removal tool and also allows you to edit your videos in a text editor.

If your upkeep allows, hire a video editor on Fiverr.

If yous want to edit yourself, brand certain to plan a bulk editing session in which you edit multiple videos in bulk.

If you want to enhance your production quality with music, sign upwardly for a paid, royalty-complimentary music subscription service. This will save you hours of searching for free songs without ever having to worry near copyright.

Schedule all of your videos alee of time

Once you accept edited and uploaded all your videos, have advantage of TubeBuddy's scheduler tool.

Boost initial views with email and social media

I also recommend scheduling promotional social media posts in an app similar SocialBee. This way, your video volition automatically be promoted the moment your video goes alive.

This will increase your initial views and give the YouTube algorithm the confidence information technology needs to promote your videos to new audiences.

How to Grow a Successful YouTube Concern / What Is the Central to Success on YouTube?

It is entirely possible to advance the growth of your YouTube channel past uploading more videos more frequently without burning out.

The hole-and-corner to success is to balance the ratio of "good enough" videos and "perfect" videos.

Virtually of your videos should be low-effort, medium-return, so you are capable of fitting everything into your busy schedule without breaking down.

Once a week or one time every two weeks, you lot should create a high-endeavor, high-return masterpiece video to wow your audition so that they continue watching your regular videos in apprehension of your next blockbuster.

If y'all want to learn more than virtually how to grow a successful YouTube business that allows you to eventually quit your nine-five job to become a total-time YouTuber, yous can too check out my commodity on how to get your kickoff 1,000 subscribers and first four,000 hours of watch time to be eligible for YouTube'due south partner program.

Next, y'all can learn how to design improve thumbnails and how to write better video titles to skyrocket your video click-through charge per unit.

If you are just starting out, you should have a look at my content cluster strategy commodity that shows you how to define a killer content strategy for your YouTube channel that the YouTube algorithm will love.

I also recently published an article on how to dramatically meliorate the product quality of your videos by adding royalty-free groundwork music to your videos.

And, of form, yous can read my series on making money on YouTube here.